Hunting for the gift


Heee... meimei lagi. Kali ni dengan cerita "hunting for the gift" ..what gift?? birthday gift, pre-convo gift..welcome back gift.. Alamak banyaknya.. Bagi satu untuk semua acara boleh?? hehehe... Kayap la meimei kalau begini gayanya. Papa.. bonus akhir tahun ada tak?? ngeeee....

Ok..back to the story.. Yup..it's true that meimei now hunting for the gift for my sister. She'll coming back soon, and soon her birthday and soon after that... will be her convocation day.. hopefully if teda aral melintang. So.. harus wajib special gift for her. But what to gift her?? aiyakk..i just dunno what the best for her though i know what she love. Typical lady meh.

meh mensurvey dulu...apa dia suka.

1) Bunga la...

she love flowers.
White and pink roses of course. lavender and tulip mostly.

2) perfumes

she love perfumes but too choosy.
she like mostly sweet and flowery perfume
macam estee lauder white linen, ralph lauren yang warna biru tu
dan japanese cherry blossom from body shop <-- boleh muflis akaun meimei.
nasib baik ada miniature...hihih.. selamat akaun beta deh.
FYI kami berkongsi kegemaran yang sama. Suka perfumes.. hihi..

3) Books (the most)

it will be best if i can get TDM's signature.. huhuhu
meimei suka novel jak.. buku macam ni..belum terbuka lagi hati nak baca.

yang lain.. meimei nda sure because sometimes she too choosy and fussy (bukan sometimes..but most of the times..kekeke).<-- kutuk kakak sendiri deh..mau kena bambu... ngeee... larikkkkkk...
too particular too..

conclusionnya: still nda dapat diputuskan apa mau dibagi sama dia..

p/s: thinking of how demanding she is.. papa..nak bonus boleh?? hihihih

1 zhi xin:


teruskan usaha anda..

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